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I am a writer, marketer, mother and hand-knitter who is inspired by nature and the sea.



I am a travel and lifestyle writer and hand knitter who grew up in Toronto and spent summers in Newfoundland, where my Grandmother taught me the ways of wool.


My career started with a wool triangle – which I made accidentally when I was trying to knit a scarf but kept adding stitches! I rolled the triangle into a cone, sewed the edges together to turn it into a hat, and wrote up the "pattern". I have been making books and beanies ever since :)


I am a regular contributor to Qantas magazine and the author of Poppy’s House (2022) and Lobsters Can't Knit (2025). 

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Coming March 2025!

Do you know what Lobster wants more than anything else in the world? A lobster sweater. With ten sleeves and a long middle that will keep his whole body warm. But everyone tells him LOBSTERS CAN’T KNIT! 
