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Cute knitted avocado pattern [FREE]

I made this knitted avocado pattern for my son, who is currently in love with all things Kawaii and all things Avocado 🙂

It could make a great toy for young children to add to a play kitchen or grocery store, or is simply a great little plushie for people of all ages.

If you try this pattern, I would love to see your results! Tag me on Instagram


  1. 50g Dark green wool (avocado skin)

  2. 50g Lighter green wool (avocado inside)

  3. Small skein of medium green wool (colour detail for edge of avocado skin)

  4. Small skein of dark brown wool (avocado seed)

  5. Small skein of black wool (optional, to sew on faces)

  6. 4mm needles (or as dictated by your wool)

  7. 3x 4mm double pointed needles (or as dictated by your wool, for the seed only)

  8. Crochet hook

  9. Stuffing

  10. Wool needle for sewing


P2tog = Purl 2 stitches together at the same time

S1k1psso = Slip one stitch onto your needle without knitting it, knit the next stitch, pass the first, unknit stitch over the stitch you just knit<

St/sts= Stitch/Stitches. When you see a figure in brackets at the end of a line this refers to the number of sts you should have on your needle e.g. (18sts)


Outside Skin (Make 2):

  1. With dark green wool cast on 8sts

  2. 1st row: *K1, P1**, repeat * to ** for the entire row

  3. 2nd row: Inc1 in every st, (16sts)

  4. 3rd row: *K1, P1**, repeat * to ** for the entire row

  5. 4th row: *P1, Inc1** repeat * to ** for the entire row, (24sts)

  6. 5th row: *K1, P1**, repeat * to ** for the entire row

  7. 6th row: *P1, K1, Inc1** repeat * to ** for the entire row, (32 sts)

  8. 7th row: *K1, P1**, repeat * to ** for the entire row

  9. 8th row: *P1, K1**, repeat * to ** for the entire row

  10. Repeat rows 7 and 8 until you reach 20 rows

  11. 21st row: *S1K1psso, S1P1psso, repeat * to **  3 more times; ^K2tog, P2tog^^ repeat ^ to ^^ 3 more times, (16sts)

  12. 22nd row: *P1, K1**, repeat * to ** for the entire row

  13. 23rd row: *K1, P1, K2tog**, repeat * to ** for the entire row, (12sts)

  14. 24th row: *P1, K1**, repeat * to ** for the entire row

  15. 25th row: *K1, P1**, repeat * to ** for the entire row

  16. 26th row: *P1, K1**, repeat * to ** for the entire row

  17. 27th row: *K1, P1**, repeat * to ** for the entire row

  18. 28th row: *P1, K1**, repeat * to ** for the entire row

  19. 29th row: K2tog for the entire row, 6sts

  20. 30th row: Cast off

  21. Cut the wool leaving around 20cm hanging

Crochet edge:

  1. Loop the lighter green wool you will use to crochet the edge around a crochet hook so there is one loop on the hook

  2. Now pick up the side of a stitch from the edge of your work and place it on the crochet hook

  3. Loop the crochet wool around your crochet hook once again as if you are knitting

  4. Pull the stitch from the edge of your knitting over the crochet stitch closest to the hook crochet hook and slip the knitting stitch right over the top and off the hook

  5. You now have one loop on the hook again

  6. Pick up the side of the next stitch on your work and repeat this entire process until you have gone around the entire edge of your work

  7. TIP: Make sure to do this loosely 🙂

Inside with seed:

  1. With light green wool cast on 8sts

  2. 1st row: *K1, Inc1** repeat * to ** for entire row, (12sts)

  3. 2nd row: P for entire row

  4. 3rd row: *K2, Inc1** repeat * to ** for entire row, (16sts)

  5. 4th row: P for entire row

  6. 5th row: K for entire row

  7. Repeat rows 4 and 5 until you reach 20 rows

  8. 21st row: S1K1psso, repeat 3 more times; K2tog, repeat 3 more times, (8sts)

  9. 22nd row: P1 row

  10. 23rd row: K1 row

  11. Repeat rows 22 and 23 two more times

  12. 28th row: P2tog for the entire row, (4sts)

  13. 29th row: Cast off


  1. With dark brown wool cast 8sts onto a double pointed needle

  2. Spilt the 8sts across 2 double pointed needles, 4-4. With a third double pointed needle start knitting in the round (refer photo below for configuration)

Knitted Kawaii avocado pattern instructions
  1. 1st rnd: Inc 1 in every st, (16 sts)

  2. 2nd rnd: K for the entire rnd

  3. 3rd rnd: *K1, inc1**, repeat * to ** for the entire rnd, (24sts)

  4. 4th rnd: K for the entire rnd

  5. 5th rnd: *K2, inc1**, repeat * to ** for the entire rnd, (32sts)

  6. 6-7th rnds: K2 rnds

  7. Cast off

  8. Cut the wool leaving around 20cm hanging

Put a small amount of stuffing on the back of the seed:

Knitted Kawaii avocado pattern instructions

Place the seed on the front of your avocado piece. Stitch it onto the front as pictured:

Knitted Kawaii avocado pattern instructions

Thread a wool needle with the loose wool from casting on and use this to sew the hole in the top closed:

Knitted Kawaii avocado pattern instructions

Inside with Hollow Piece:

  1. With light green wool cast on 8sts

  2. 1st row: *K1, Inc1** repeat * to ** for entire row, (12sts)

  3. 2nd row: P for entire row

  4. 3rd row: *K2, Inc1** repeat * to ** for entire row, (16sts)

  5. 4th row: P for entire row

  6. 5th row: K for entire row

  7. Repeat rows 4 and 5 once more

Start shaping hollow piece:

8th row: P the first 6sts. For the next 4sts Inc2 in each st (using K) so you have 12sts from these 4.

WATCH how to Increase 2 into one stitch:

Stop here and do not knit the remaining 6sts for now.

Flip your needles and you are now working only these 12sts. NOTE that you will be working opposite so that P is showing on the K side 🙂

  1. 10th row: Working only these 12sts: Slip the first st over without knitting, P the next 11sts

  2. 11th row: Working only these 12 sts: Inc1 in every other st, (18sts)

  3. 12th row: Working only these 18sts: Slip the first st over without knitting, P the next 17sts

  4. Now, K the remaining 6sts to the end of your row

Working the entire row of sts again:

  1. 13th row: P6, K18, P6

  2. 14th row: K6, P18, K6

  3. 15th row:  P the first 6sts. K2, Inc1 for the next 18sts, to make 24.

Stop here and do not knit the remaining sts for now.

Flip your needles and you are now working only these 24sts. NOTE that you will be working opposite so that P is showing on the K side 🙂

  1. 16th row: Working only these 24sts, slip the first st over without knitting, P the next 23sts

  2. 17th row: Working only these 24sts: K24

  3. Now, P the remaining 6sts to the end of your row

Working the entire row of sts again:

  1. 18th row: K6, P24, K6

  2. 19th row: P6, K2tog for the next 24sts, P6, (24sts)

  3. 20th row: K6, P12, K6

  4. 21st row: P6, K2tog for the next 12sts, P6,(18sts)

  5. 22nd row: K6, K2tog, K3, K2tog, K5, (16sts)

  6. 23rd row: P for entire row

  7. 24th row: K for entire row

  8. Repeat rows 23 and 24 once more

  9. 27th row: S1K1psso, repeat 3 more times; K2tog, repeat 3 more times, (8sts)

  10. 28th row: P1 row

  11. 29th row: K1 row

  12. Repeat rows 29 and 29 two more times

  13. 34th row: P2tog for the entire row, (4sts)

  14. 35th row: Cast off

  15. Cut the wool leaving around 20cm hanging

  16. Sew closed the small holes in the side of the hollow piece

Knitted Kawaii avocado pattern instructions

Make-up for Both Sides:

Optional: with black wool and a wool needle sew your face of choice onto the inside of the avocado (refer picture at top for inspiration).

Fill the inside of the skin of the avocado with stuffing.

For the hollow side: Stuff around the hollow space with little to no stuffing behind the space to let it “sink” down.

Place the inside piece on top and line up (pin together if this helps!).

Sew the sides together until closed.

Knitted Kawaii avocado pattern instructions

Hide any loose wool ends inside the avocado – simply thread them with a yarn needle, poke them inside the body and out the opposite side, pull tightly, cut and then let the yarn end snap back inside of the body.


Knitting Patterns